I've burned my own mix CD with the tracks from the New Beetle
commercials.  This makes a fantastic driving soundtrack.

The tracks are:

Band            Song

Fluke           Absurd  (from the "reverse engineered from UFOs" ad,
                         available on the album "Fluke: Risotto")

Spritualized    Ladies and Gentlemen we are Floating in Space
                        (from "The Engine's in front but it's heart's
                         in the same place" ad, available on the album
                         "Ladies and Gentlemen we are Floating in

Hurricane #1    Step into my world (from the "If you sold your soul in
                         the 80s" ad, available on the album
                         "hurricane #1")

Stereolab       Parsec (from the "less (sic) flower, more power" ad,
                         available on the album "dots and loops")

Klaatu          Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft
                        (not from a Beetle ad, but an awesome song that
                         should be :-) - found on the Due South

The Orb         Little Fluffy Clouds/earth(gaia)/supernova at the end
                of the Universe tracks (from the "What color do you
                        dream in?" ad, first three tracks from the
                        album, "the orb's adventures beyond the
                        ultraworld".  These three tracks needed to be
                        combined into one since they all merge into each
                        other to form one musical piece.)